
Media Coverage

Episode – Tv Futura

The Tv Futura in partnership with FAPESP developed a series called ´´Science for everyone´´. They selected some projects to compose this series and professor Isabel Sacco´s thematic project on running and training for the feet will be shown on the Futura channel on February 17, 2020 (episode 27). 

But it is already available in the Future play! I invite everyone to watch!

International Foot & Ankle Biomechanics Meeting - São Paulo 2021

Interview on Bem Estar

In May 2017, LaBiMPH Professors Dr. Isabel Sacco and Cristina Sartor were interviewed on the theme of their national network specialties in a real lesson about feet, shoes and their possible complications.

Interview Part 1

Interview Part 2

Interview Part 3

Innovative study checks the forces and pressures of the vaginal canal

One of the most recent works of the Laboratory, which was attended by the researchers Licia P. Cacciari, Anice Bird, Amanda C. Amorim, and was coordinated by Profa. Dr. Isabel C. N. Sacco, aimed to compare the differences in the distribution of forces in the pelvic floor. In evidence at The University News Agency (AUN) USP.

Biomechanics is allied to understanding the health of human movement

One of the lines of research of the Laboratory investigates the biomechanics of the movement of diabetic patients with a chronic complication called diabetic neuropathy, know one more puco in the news published in the portal of the University of São Paulo.

With innovative device, laboratory makes female pelvic floor muscle analysis

The investigation of the distribution of pelvic floor loads in women is being developed by doctoral student Licia Pazzoto Cacciari, under the guidance of Isabel de Camargo Neves Sacco, coordinator of LaBiMPH.

Ranking of Scientists in National Institutions

The list of top scientists organized by the “Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas” through Google Scholar Citations. The list has important names in the search as Prof. Dr. Gilson Luiz Volpato and Profa. Dr. Isabel Sacco.

Methods of Evaluation of the Pelvic Floor – Jô Program – 10/23/14 – Lu Riva and LaBiMPH

Lu Riva presents in the Jô Program on 10/23/2014 the images obtained from one of the equipments being developed by LABIMPH in partnership with Novel to evaluate the pressure exerted by the pelvic floor musculature.


Use of high heels and other habits change your footing and hurt your joints – Globo Reporter 8/8/2014 – Isabel Sacco and LaBiMPH

Matter shown in the Globo Repórter program of 8/8/2014 on the consequences of incorrect support of the feet in the ground during running and walking, based on the biomechanical evaluation performed by the team of Professor Isabel Sacco, at LaBiMPH – FMUSP.

Minimalist Footwear Helps the Lives of Older Women – Globo Repórter 8/8/2014 – Isabel Sacco and LaBiMPH

Matter shown in the Globo Repórter program of 8/8/2014 about a study by teacher Isabel Sacco and Francis Trombini-Souza, at LaBiMPH – FMUSP, which was based on the use of minimalist shoes for the elderly and reduced pain, improved function, reduced use of analgesic remedies and reduced load on the knee joint.


Walking ‘almost barefoot’ slows the evolution of osteoarthritis in the elderly – 10/25/2013

Walking ‘almost barefoot’ slows the evolution of osteoarthritis in the elderly. With this title, the University of São Paulo Portal announces in an interview with Profa. Dr. Isabel Sacco one of the branches of research developed by LaBiMPH.

Bem Estar Program – Foot Health (Part 1)

Participation in the “Feet

Health” Special for the Bem Esta Program

Fantástico Program


Report on Exaggerated vanity in childhood is harmful in adult life – Fantástico Program

Esporte Espetacular Program


Report on Big Athletes Dominate the Sport – Esporte Espetacular Program

XII Brazilian Multiprofessional Congress in Diabetes – part 1


Prof. Dr. Isabel Sacco at the XII Brazilian Multiprofessional Congress in Diabetes – part 1

XII Brazilian Multiprofessional Congress in Diabetes – part 2


Prof. Dr. Isabel Sacco at the XII Brazilian Multiprofessional Congress in Diabetes – part 2

XII Congresso Brasileiro Multiprofissional em Diabetes parte 3


Prof. Dr. Isabel Sacco at the XII Brazilian Multiprofessional Congress in Diabetes – part 3

Links of Interest for Research in Biomechanics

Brazilian Society of Biomechanics
  • Authors: Brazilian Society of Biomechanics
  • Summary: Brazilian Congress of Biomechanics, members of the society, mailing list and links to Laboratories and Biomechanics Group existing in Brazil, post-graduate programs in Biomechanics, international publications and other subjects related to also research in general.
ISB – International Society Biomechanics
  • Authors: Martyn R. Shorten, Ph.D
  • Summary: General information about the company, events promoted, members and discussion groups promoted, technical groups coordinated by society.
ESMAC – European Society of Movement Analysis for Adults and Children
  • Authors: ESMAC
  • Summary: Information on the annual ESMAC Congress, how to become a member of the society that gives access to Gait & Posture magazine and presents its organizers.
GCMAS – Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society
  • Authors: GCMAS Comunications Committie – webmaster: Patrick Riley
  • Abstract: It has articles about introduction on subjects related to the march, information about the annual meeting, with photos, abstracts, awards given by society to the best works presented at the meetings, how to become a member and its advantages (access to Gait & Posture magazine), organizers and links of affiliated laboratories, other societies and meetings among others.
  • Authors: National Library of Medicine – USA
  • Abstract: Search of scientific literature related to health organized by the National Library of Medicine. The search is done by key words in English, being able to limit the years of search, the language of the articles and the type of publication. At the end of the search MEDLINE provides you with a list of articles with their abstracts (Abstracts in English). If there is interest in the articles found, save the list of articles in a text document (.doc or .txt) and search the related journals in your library.
Virtual Health Library – VHL – BIREME
  • Authors: Latin American and Caribbean Center for Information on Health Sciences – BIREME
  • Abstract: Search of scientific literature related to health organized by BIREME. There are several search databases, such as: LILACS, Adolec, Adsaude, MedCaribe, Cochrane, among others. The LILACS database is the one corresponding to MEDLINE in Latin America and the Caribbean. The search is done by key words in Portuguese, words that can refer to the author, the periodical, the subject of the article, the year of publication, etc. At the end of the search, the chosen database gives you a list of articles with their abstracts (Abstracts in English). If there is interest in the articles found, save the list of articles in a text document (.do
Sibi – USP
  • Authors: USP Integrated Library System
  • Summary: Website that contains information about the services provided by the USP Libraries, in addition to allowing access to Probe, the Capes Portal, Dedalus, and Scielo. One of the services we call attention to is the bibliographic switching that can be done in USP libraries. Consists of obtaining photocopies of articles from magazines, via the Internet by Ariel software. Articles in journals not available in your unit or not available online can be obtained through this switch in your unit’s library.
  • Authors: USP Integrated Library System
  • Abstract: Online catalog of bibliographic data of the University of São Paulo. You can search by sector library or global catalog. You should go in BUSCAR and select the fields established for search: field (author, title, subject, keyword, etc) and base (serials – periodicals, USP production – dissertations, books, theses USP).
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